In a significant development, the members of the Opposition Alliance in India are all set to visit Manipur this Saturday. However, this move hasn’t gone unnoticed, as BJP leader and Union Minister, Anurag Thakur<\/a>, has directed sharp criticism towards them. Addressing the issue in Kolkata, Anurag Thakur expressed that the Opposition MPs should also expand their itinerary to include visits to West Bengal and Rajasthan.<\/p>\n\n\n\n During his address, Thakur emphasized that the Opposition MPs, led by Adhir Ranjan<\/a>, should take the opportunity to witness the ground realities in Bengal. He went further to state that the MPs should extend their outreach to the homes of those who lost their lives in Bengal, to grasp a deeper understanding of the situation. Thakur urged them to undertake a similar fact-finding mission in Rajasthan, to gain insights into the prevailing conditions there as well.<\/p>\n\n\n\n