Home Daily News Chilling Issues in the New Parliament Session: MPs Falling Ill Due to Aggressive Air Conditioning

Chilling Issues in the New Parliament Session: MPs Falling Ill Due to Aggressive Air Conditioning

by NPT-Editorial
Chilling Issues in the New Parliament Session: MPs Falling Ill Due to Aggressive Air Conditioning

Date: September 21, 2023

Author: Rajat Raj

An extraordinary five-day parliamentary session kicked off in the newly inaugurated parliament on September 19th, attracting attention not only for its legislative agenda but also for an unexpected challenge faced by Members of Parliament (MPs). While significant discussions took place, such as the successful passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha, many MPs found themselves battling health issues, all linked to one common cause – the relentless air conditioning.

Congress insiders revealed to ABP News that the chilling temperatures inside the parliament have taken a toll on the health of several MPs. On the evening of September 20th, Sonia Gandhi, the leader of the Congress party, reportedly fell ill, with her deteriorating health attributed to the frigid air conditioning conditions. This incident raised concerns about the impact of extreme air conditioning on the well-being of the lawmakers.

In a similar vein, Congress Rajya Sabha member Akhilesh Prasad Singh also suffered from health problems and required medical attention. Singh, in a statement to ABP News, attributed his health issues to the aggressive air conditioning in the parliamentary chambers. He is not alone, as it has been reported that more than a dozen MPs have formally lodged complaints with the Rajya Sabha Speaker regarding the uncomfortably cold working conditions.

The issue of aggressive air conditioning in the parliamentary session has not only affected the health of MPs but has also disrupted the proceedings. The discomfort experienced by lawmakers has raised questions about the balance between creating a conducive working environment and the well-being of those working in it.

This unexpected health challenge has prompted discussions among MPs and parliamentary authorities about potential solutions. It remains to be seen whether adjustments will be made to the air conditioning system to address the concerns raised by the parliamentarians.

As the parliamentary session continues, the focus remains on legislative matters, but the “AC conundrum” has become an unexpected subplot, reminding us that even in the most august of settings, the smallest of issues can have significant consequences. We will keep a close eye on developments in the coming days as parliamentarians strive to balance their duties with their health.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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